Uitgeverij Snor Father's book - First aid for fatherhood Dutch


Father's wink and dad's father's plays are important for the little baby's turtle and babies are important for the development of a father, that is why this father's book by Uitgeverij Snor.

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Men often think that fathers only become important when children grow older. Babies are a women's business. But research shows that fathers immediately after birth play an important role in the development of small children. That weird man with that heavy humming voice turns out to be an important source of the playful and unpredictable behavior that little ones are crazy about. In addition, it has become clear how important frolicking and crazy games are for the development of every child. That is why this father's book from publishing company Snor: a joyful list of all new insights and latest scientific results in the field of paternity and, of course, frolicking workshops, holding pillow fights and throwing children in the air.

Author Mustache book: Gerard Janssen
Illustrator: Sauerkids
Title: Father's book - First aid for fatherhood
ISBN: 978-90-7996-188-7
Format: 170 x 225
Binding method: hardcover
Number of pages: 112

Publisher Snor

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