Gezinnig Mini Mama Momenten - Just 10 minutes for yourself Dutch


Taking care of yourself is not just a task that you check off. This often comes with many mothers. They lack space to relax and pay attention to themselves. Yet you can only really be there for others if you are relaxed and recharged yourself. The solutio

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Just 10 minutes for yourself
The book Mini Mama Momenten offers 52 ways to take better care of yourself. Each Moment consists of an exercise (doomoment), tips and in-depth information (reading moment) and space for notes (fill-in moment). From immersing yourself in a (foot) bath, dancing in your living room, going on a date with yourself to feeling what you feel. All you need is 10 minutes. Give it yourself. Take care of yourself. Enjoy!

All Mini Mama Momenten are carefully selected, carefully illustrated and arranged alphabetically. Mini Mom Moments is the ultimate self-care reference book for every busy mother.

About the author
Annet de Vries (Het Waardenhuis) spoke to hundreds of women while giving (a cup) of attention. For this book, she collected wisdom, tested exercises and immersed herself in her own experience as a mother. Annet organizes retreats and workshops and can be hired with her Mobile Attention Worker®.

Very nice
A book that helps mothers to take that much needed rest and space is an asset to our collection. The exercises are practical and feasible, and also the encouraging words of Annet fit perfectly with our mission. After all, at the base of a smooth family life is a mother who feels good about her.

Hardcover, 13 x 20 cm, 352 pages.


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